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Best Use of Wind Shield
krista denes
Wind shield is not only the chunk of auto glass but it is lot more than this. Actually wind shield is a component that protects us from wind and debris like stones, dust and many more. Wind shield also provide very good support to the roof of your vehicle. In case of any accident if your wind shield is not installed in a right position then there is more chance of collapsing the roof of your automobile which leads to a very serious injury or even death. A wind shield is also use to secure you from an air bag. Thus if you are using an air bag in your automobile but your wind shield is not securely installed then your air bag is useless. A wind shield is one of the most breakable parts of an automobile. There are many causes of cracks on a wind shield such as; extremely cold weather, an accident that completely breaks your wind shield, flying debris etc.
In only America about 12 to 14 million wind shields replaced every year. Wind shield installation or replacement is a skill that requires many hours of training. It is not a kind of work that can be just done by any one. If your wind shield has any problem then it is highly recommended that hire a professional, but if money is a big issue and you want to repair your wind shield at your home by your self then it requires a wind shield repairing kit and dedication of an hour.To repair wind shield at home you need a wind shield repair kit, cloth, blade, and a glass cleaner. First of all clean your wind shield with the help of cloth and high quality glass cleaner. And make sure that before placing any thing on crack or chip it is totally clean from any kind of debris. Now prepare your repair kit. Today most of the repair kits are coming with a suction cup, thus secure this suction cup on crack or chip. After this step you are ready to repair your wind shield.
Now slowly pull up the plunger of your syringe, this will helps you to remove the air from crack.After removing the air from crack, very slowly push the resin in to the crack or chip directly. Then wait for some minutes and allow this resin to stay in chip or crack. After some minutes remove the suction cup and syringe from your wind shield. Now by using a blade remove the excess of resin from chip or crack and wait for some minutes to dry. Once your wind shield is thoroughly dried then you have to clean it by using a cloth and glass cleaner. Remember, always use a glass cleaner of good quality, because a good quality glass cleaner prevents your wind shield from dust and other debris. If you will find that it is very hard to repair a wind shield then follow the instructions that can be provided with your wind shield repairing kit that helps you a lot.
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auto glass federal wayArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com
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