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Dogs are cute and fun and many would love one as their pet. However, many would also stop short of actually owning one, the reason being the fact that they would need to clear up after them. Hence, it is important that your new dog is potty trained properly as soon as possible.
I would like to share 3 effective Dog potty training tips which I have personally found to be useful in training my dog.
Dog potty training Tips #1 Set boundaries for your new young puppy
Limit the space of your dog initial activities to a small area of your house where you intend for him or her to go to in order to relieve himself or herself. Within this space, set up the actual place you want them to pee or poo. When he or she got it right, reward him or her by increasing the boundary size and restrict it again when he or she did not get it right, communicating clearly that this is the reward or penalty for getting it right or wrong. Your tone of voice has to be gentle and excited when he or she got it right and angry and reprimanding when he or she got it wrong.
Dog potty training Tips #2 Using Dog potty pad.
Try using a yellow or blue colour one, as dogs is not able to distinguish objects of other colours. Set it at the actual site and keep directing him or her to that place for his or her business. This is to train him or her to look for this object whenever he or she wants to pee or poo.
Dog potty training Tips #3 Using potty sprays
Same principle, however, this time you are making use of his or her smell to ingrain into him or her where is the acceptable place for him or her to pee or poo. Spray the chemical at the actual site where you want him or her to pee and poo and always lead him or her to that spot.
Most importantly, you have to let him or her know when he or she got it right by rewarding him or her with treats and phrases like good boy or good girl in happy excited tones and punishing him or her when he or she is off target by scolding him or her naughty boy or naughty girl in an angry tone. In addition, you can hit their backsides lightly. Follow this up by explaining what he or she did wrong by bringing their nose to their pee or poo and say not here and bring them to the actual site and say pee or poo here in a strong and firm voice.
I would like to emphasized that it is important that whoever is involved in training your puppy adopts the same actions and words so as to reinforce the message and not confuse him or her.
If you would like more information on dog potty training tips, visit my website listed in my resource box
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